Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Wellbeing Wednesdays #5 - Walks

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(Image from 100 days of Sunshine)


This week's well-being Wednesdays is all about taking it outdoors and going for walks.  Walking is an easier idea to suggest now given that we have FINALLY started to get some nicer weather (although it has literally rained non-stop today!).  Living in England, it's important to get out when you can and make the most of the weather.  Ideally I would go for at least a short walk once a week to get some fresh air but, unfortunately, this doesn't always happen and I definitely notice a difference when I go for a walk after a longer period of being indoors.

Being outside can really help stimulate your mood.  Fresh air has proven to help with stress and anxiety and it's thought that oxygen helps with your serotonin (a hormone which helps us feel happy) levels.  If you would like me to talk more about serotonin then let me know and I'd be happy to do so!

When possible I like to find somewhere green and leafy or near water to take a nice, long stroll.  Not only does the fresh air help my mood but it gives me a little time to gather my thoughts, reflect on things or even switch off from some realities.

I also find walking a great opportunity to do something free and easy with others.  It's good for a little catch-up and sometimes it can be just what the other person needs to.  I find it's an extra bonus if you walk to a coffee or ice-cream shop too!

Comment below some of the places you like to walk to, these are just some of the ones I've had recently.


Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Wellbeing Wednesdays #4 - Hot Baths

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(Image from 100 days of Sunshine)

Welcome back to Well-being Wednesdays.  This series is all about little things that I do to help with my own well-being in the hope that they might help others too.  As I've said before, many things are obvious and simple but sometimes it's just nice to be reminded to do those things.  Mental Healthy is in the news a lot recently and it's fantastic that it's being talked about but we also need to make sure that we do things for our own mental health.

This week I'm going to talk about a very typical idea - hot baths.  But, let me tell you what I do to make the most of that time and ensure I enjoy them.  There's lots of little things I vary between but I always make sure my both is hot and I always take an extremely long bath.  

When in there, these are some of the different things I do to try and fully relax and switch off:
  1. Candles - again, an obvious one but if I'm having a hot bath then I'm doing it to relax and so I want to make sure I try and create the right atmosphere.  I make sure the bathroom is tidy and I light a couple of candles to put around the bath, just to help with the mood.  Sometimes these are scented and sometimes not.  It's all just about creating a pleasant environment.
  2. Reading - I like to really make sure I switch off from reality when I'm in the bath and I find a great way for me to do this is a good book.  I won't go into this too much but I find it helps to have an easy read and something you know you'll be able to get stuck into and ignore reality with for half an hour or so (definitely an hour!)
  3. YouTube or Netflix - Sometimes I want to switch off but I'm tired, far too tired to be reading so instead I find something to watch, usually YouTube on my phone (so far I have never dropped it in!) or, occasionally, I use my bath tray to watch Netflix on my tablet.  Again, it just helps switch off from reality and it's a chance I get to watch whatever I want.
  4. Refreshments! - I'm not a big fan of food in the bath but I like to take a drink.  Depending on the day and my mood this is sometimes alcoholic but more often than not it's just water.  I'm taking this time out to relax and don't want to lie there thinking about needing a drink because I made my bath too hot.  
  5. Music - Sometimes I like my baths to be silent, especially if I'm reading, but occasionally I like that time to sit with my own thoughts and when I do this I like to put some music on.  Typically, I just rely on Spotify for this as I like to vary between classical and chilled pop music.
  6. Bubbles - Another typical thing but when I'm having my bath with the purpose of relaxing and not washing my hair I like to use a nice bath product to help.  Previously I have used Laura Mercier Honey Bath which is very luxurious and, whilst pricey, something I definitely recommend but recently I have been using Molton Brown Rhubarb and Rose Bath and Shower Gel - this is my all time favourite Molton Brown scent.  These also help to create a more calming atmosphere with their scents and general feels.  They're not as overpowering as other products and I like the softness they have to them.
Like I've said before, these ideas aren't groundbreaking but they're hopefully a good reminder of how to take some time and consider how to take care of your own well-being.  What do you do to help with your state of mind?


Wellbeing Wednesdays #5 - Walks

(Image from 100 days of Sunshine)       This week's well-being Wednesdays is all about taking it outdoors and going for walks.  ...

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