Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Wellbeing Wednesdays #1 - A Welcoming Environment

Image result for well-being Wednesdays
(Image taken from 100 days of Sunshine)

As one of many people who suffer from Anxiety, I consider taking care of my own well-being to be incredibly important.  There's lots of different things I do to try and manage this.  I also think it important that others take care of their well-being.  So, to help, this is my first blog of Well-being Wednesdays - a weekly series in which I discuss and share one tip every week on what I do to take care of my well-being and how you can too.  Some of these tips will be larger things that take up more time, some might cost a little bit of money and some are little additions or changes to your life which are easy to make.  All of them have made some kind of positive impact on my life, regardless of how small.  I imagine that many of these things won't be new ideas and certainly nothing very far outside of the box but sometimes we just need reminding of some of the simple things we can do to take care of ourselves.

Well-being Wednesdays #1 is a pretty controversial one!  It's keeping a tidy home (or space).  Whilst I FULLY appreciate that house work is not typically associated with well-being I find it makes a huge difference to my state of mind when I can come home or relax in a tidy and clean space.  If I'm trying to relax with mess around me, I find it very difficult to switch off from it as the thought of tidying or cleaning really lingers in the back of my mind.  If I come home and see that it's already done I feel relieved instantly.  This is also all part of having good Feng Shui in your home.  Feng Shui is something I've known about for a long time but only recently started looking into.  If you'd like me to talk more about it.  Let me know.

Image result for tidy home tidy mind
(Image taken from

I appreciate that not everybody is bothered by mess or having their home be particularly tidy and honestly I didn't think I was either but when I made more effort with my home I realised what a large difference it actually did make.  I find that the environment you're in can play a huge role in your state of mind and if there's something you can do to make an environment nicer for you then why not try it?  

My suggestion to you is just tidy and clean one room or space.  Ideally, the area which you either see first when coming home or the area you like to relax in most.  Try to keep it tidy for a full week and if you notice a difference in your state of mind then try to keep it up or even apply it to more spaces.  It won't cure anybodies anxiety or change anybodies life but for me it's a definite step in the right direction.

Let me know if this is something you already do and how it makes you feel or if you're willing to try it.  I'd love to know what you think of my well-being Wednesdays and how you get on with them.


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Wellbeing Wednesdays #5 - Walks

(Image from 100 days of Sunshine)       This week's well-being Wednesdays is all about taking it outdoors and going for walks.  ...

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